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I fainted though. FAILWHADDAFAAIILL D:

I mean, who does that?



Yay! I liek dis. :3

OH, and sorrysorry for the recent splurge of personal posts. :/ :D?

We basically brought our own snacks, and watched a movie. Oh, and did our dances. But I won’t be posting any of that. It also involved an unfortunate episode with a surprise pet snake and Madhula… Madhula. Hrm. Well.

You remember that Strawberries and Cream Cake? We made the same thing in cupcakes. Mini cupcakes. Is that cute or what? Basically use a pencilend eraser to poke the holes and fill them with a medical syringe.

Here’s Amanda, Tiffany and Perla! If Madhula sends me pictures, I can post some steps, but– pencils, syringe. Basically it.

I took these for p-sena, an annual  spiritual youth retreat. This year, it was in Houston and I was lucky enough to go, and it was a lot of fun! These are delicious, and healthier than most, as the chocolate has been replaced with a caffeine free alternative. I think the only problem with using carob is that you have to use more vanilla, but that’s basically it!


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Well, on another note, I’m watching HP1 to commemorate finishing annotations.

You know how happy this makes me?

Decorative Frame

Can you guess what this is made out of? Bread.

That’s right, bread.

*Filed under Ceramics because it could be made with that too.

Vine Pot

The flowers could use some work. It dried and began to crack before I could fix how it was molded.

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Oh, and I need to remember to rotate the pictures. Sorry!

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My very first polymer creation! I didn’t know about not mixing colors. -_-

Cake Balls! I had to kind of improvise, gathering ideas from different sites. You can decorate them differently; I had to make over  100, so drizzling was the way to go!



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Mr. Turtle

The eyes fell off, therefore making this creation slightly less attractive. 😛